Centralised File Sharing
Centrally manage all customer brochures, catalogues and use the power of URVA to share with your teams. And yes, with the restrictions you just thought of

Universal. Point of View
Store your organisational secrets or customer brochures. Everything or nothing.
Show to all or show to some. URVA’s high dynamic file manager gives you all the customisation you need.

Quick. Share
Sharing files internally or with customers, it only take few seconds to select and go. With your integrated communication channels, it becomes even faster.
Files are displayed by type like Photos, Videos, Documents & Links. So locating and sharing the right one doesn’t take more than a few seconds.
Lock & Load
There are some files which are not for all. While some are.
URVA gives you complete control over who sees what and where. Set those permissions straight and be in control.

Customer. Impact
Delight your customers with information they need, when they need it.
With the files shortcuts directly on your mobile device, sharing really shows you’re caring!
Accept All. View All
URVA supports over 15 different file formats for you to upload. And we also maintain the files by type so locating them is never an issue.

Cut the Cord
Storing files offline is only a click away. Amongst the hundreds or thousands of files, you may store only a few for ready reckoners.
What you see is what you get 🙂
Transform the Way You Work
Discover features that simplify tasks, enhance performance, and drive smarter decision-making for your team.
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