Our Field Sales App is trusted for many reasons
It works on all devices, for every size of team and without network too.
See your field sales team win bigger with over 27% extra lead coverage & deal flow
Trusted by
the best

Our Proud Success Stories

Transforming with NTB Solutions
Discover how AU Bank transformed their NTB (New-to-Bank) operations with URVA’s solution. With centralized data, automated processes, and easy follow-ups, Relationship Managers no longer need to manually log interactions. Every customer touchpoint is streamlined, making engagement effortless and efficient.

Revolutionizing with 360 Lead Management
Explore how SBI revolutionized their lending operations with URVA’s 360 Lead Management app, optimizing lead generation, tracking, and conversion processes.

Excelling with Building Material Solutions
Dive into how Jaquar enhanced their sales processes with URVA’s solutions, gaining visibility and efficiency in the building materials industry.

Trust delivered in every field
I have found URVA team to be a great innovator, and it's contributions in adapting their product for a CGD company have been exemplary.

URVA team's talented professionals and their mobile apps have supported our sales turnaround. Keep up the good work.

URVA helps in increasing productivity and is continuously evolving to remain contemporary.

URVA is an outstanding team with truly profound vision.

URVA is exceptional vendor partner, delivering timely solutions and prioritizing customer satisfaction.

Supercharge your
Sales Team with extraaaa
Crush your next target with a tool for team transformation.
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